
Tuesday 30 April 2013


Last week I popped along to the Steiger AW 13/14 press preview to check out what great styles we have coming for this coming fall. Walter Steiger or Steiger as they are now known is one those brands that is not to be missed. Known and famed for that heel... ' The Claw' it's with this in mind the brand digs back into their archives for inspiration for their latest collection.

A good starting point with Steiger Is the court and great starter pair which features the ionic law heel, then we move on to boots which are alt more wearable as in great everyday essentials. On the flat we see the crave of the claw with a more shorter and boarder heel and last and not least the all out glamor shoes which truly are stoppers and already have celebrities queuing or them.

I now will take this time to talk wedges which are definitely not like any on the market. We start off the the point then on to the wedge itself whhbhasva very harp incline so it appears but I am assured does not affect the comfort of the actual shoe ....... The claw curve also makes an appearance on the wedge which makes it my standout piece in the collection. Now think fur and that wedge and now check out my pictures

He steiger collection is one to watch as always and if your not familiar with the brand get yourself acquainted with it, with collaborations with none other than Victoria Beckham Aw 13/14 at Steiger is sure to shine.

The collection gets my vote #flawless

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