
Saturday, 9 March 2013


I'm saying nothing but Rihanna took to Instagram earlier this week to show off her new custom made boots from Prada ... Woo hoo ... Did she have to do this in a lace G String? Is she out of control? I'm not a stalker but sometimes I check in her social media platforms and the weed consumption is vast ..... I'm saying nothing though because the last girl who made a comment about this 'Subject' got a real dressing down and I'm in no mood to be gang banged on twitter .....

Is she a role model for the young?
What advantage is she to brands?
What are brands getting out of it?
Do they want their products displayed in pictures surrounded by drugs
What are her management doing?

What are you thoughts?? The comment box is all yours ......

Btw more power to her she's young but she's got to realise people get bored. #justsayin

In the words of your own song... Take a breathe, take it deep, and calm yourself ......

Russian Roulette


  1. FINALLY! A voice of reason that refuses to Kowtow to the masses,risking alienation for holding onto the one thing left,but very rare in the spotlight...integrity. In spite of the potential backlash,a well respected,honest and decent blogger,and a well known person in his own right,has decently and without moral judgement,voiced a thought so many of us believe and agree with. Non jealous affirmation that certain celebs can take a gift that was given to them with trust,and abuse that fame,shamelessly and to the detriment of the very people that gave it to them. But at least we know that we do not need to remain completely silent,and by addressing with genuine concern,a forthright opinion devoid of any malice,we are able to finally say out loud..that so very many of us are tired,jaded,and disturbed at the lack of respect and caring for the youth of today,shown by someone that was freely given respect and caring by us and the youth. Shame on her,may she come to her senses,if any are left after burning it away..because what was given to her,can be just as quickly and easily taken away,and given to a more deserving person. Honour beholds the man that holds his integrity in the face of adversity...well done Leroy.

  2. I can't help but think why I don't have a butt like that. She has got laryngitis now, #toomuchweed

  3. I absolutely agree, personally I'm not a fan of Rihanna and her blase attitude to what she posts and how she represents herself. I have a younger sister who is a fan of Rihanna and at her tender age is very impressionable, due to pop culture and sexualised images from various different sources especially pop stars and faces in the limelight such as Rihanna she has begun posing and acting in accordance with them. Stars with young audiences should really stop to think about what impression they are creating and how they can possibly influence people. Do as you wish in your own time but don't share it on such a wide platform as the internet as it glamorises such acts.


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