
Saturday 30 March 2013


So before I start.. I did ponder if I should take pictures of myself modelling them, but after lots of thought I decided against it .. so I give the pleasure of modelling them to Thom Evans..

These briefs actually work... I don't need any help in the rump area but these babies really lfted me up to the point of becoming sexual (telling the truth).. but the fit OMG the fit was just too comfortable and when I look in the mirror I look similar to Thom but black #justsayin ....

The process is easy you pick what style you like .. in this instance its the Gigolo Joe

Da Dahhhh

Then the fun starts you pick what angle you require ... I went for 95 degrees and possibly should have gone less but this is a review wanted to take it to the extreme

Then your done! as easy as that ... they do what they say on the can are amazing im now a brief convert and will be investing in a few more pairs

verdict a big 10 out of 10!!

Now for your pleasure I give you Mr Thom Evans!!

Your too can have a rump like Thom!

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