
Sunday 31 March 2013


I go the inspiration for this blog from Instagram after I posted a pair of the infamous Louis Vuitton 'Jaspers' which were designed by one other than Kanye West. Here's the bad news one sneakers are like a myth only a few people have them and finding them .... Basically it would be easier to find a needle in an haystack. There are of course those "online" places where people are selling them but going down that road I would not recommend it as there are so many counterfeit products out there and I wouldn't want any of you to become another statistic ....

Here we go there are no Jaspers but these are some of the sneakers in the current collection from Louis Vuitton "proper" .... Lots of alternatives .... As the sneaker trends differ from country to country there are chunky ones a la USA and flat ones a la Europe but hey they are there for everyone.

Let me know what you think!!

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