
Friday 7 September 2012

Replay Launch Online Music Sharing App

REPLAY Launch BEATCLASH as BESTIVAL gets underway.

For the second year running, premium Italian denim brand Replay have partnered with Bestival.

Replay are hosting the ROB DA BANK stage with performances being live streamed via BEAT TV, launching their newest innovation ‘BEATCLASH’

Experimenting with competitive listening, Replay’s ‘BEATCLASH’ app is an online music sharing promotional platform. Users can log in via facebook and take part in a battle, spotting a great new band and being the first to spread it to their circle of friends offering organic exposure to new bands.

The mechanic is simple. Enter BEATCLASH, pick your favourite new band’s video and challenge your friends to find a better one. For the next 24 hours the two videos are pitted against each other on your Facebook walls for your other friends to vote on the winner. It’s natural selection for music through simple user competition.  Friends ‘like’ their choices: the best curator wins and earns the user street cred as an upcoming ‘A&R’.

The ‘BEATCLASH’ is also accessible via   where ROB DA BANK’s personal ‘curated’ playlist is currently being promoted.

BEATCLASH harnesses that basic competitive drive to inspire people to scout out and spread the word about new bands, and at the same time getting to know more and more great music.
The better music you submit and the more you win, the higher your reputation and your bragging rights!

Matteo Sinigaglia, Fashion Box CEO: “For many years Replay has supported many music projects and festivals, however we feel it’s time for the brand to take an active role, becoming a key player in this field. With BEATCLASH we’ll be bringing people the best new authentic music and give them an engaging tool to express themselves too, in doing so, giving visibility to valuable artists and having fun in the process”.

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