
Wednesday, 2 November 2011

I Am, I Am, Christmas? Not Good!!

So we are now on the home straight for Christmas all the street Christmas lights are making an appearance and the shops are producing their most important window displays of the year - the one that really counts! Looking forward to seeing Harrods, Selfridges, Liberty's, Barney's Saks you get the drift popular ones.... So imagine my disbelief when I saw the French Connection window Display campaign ......

The I Am Campaign - I am the Christmas window, I Am a bag, I Am a jumper ..... It's not good!! as a summer window the simplicity of the window would work with the sun shining and the summer vibe but with it being dark by 5 pm the windows look absolutely empty! Not very welcoming and no way alluring. 'The' Christmas window is meant to seduce us into the store unfortunately French Connection's window doesn't .... Have a look at my snaps and let me know your thoughts as I'm dying to know if it's just me ....

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree, The I am christmas gifts on the floor don't look very appealing, I'm not too sure there's much excitement about opening that one! :-/


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