
Monday 1 August 2011

Angelina Jolie's Journey to Cambodia (Louis Vuitton Full Commercial)

An interview with Jolie that will be posted later in the month. In it, she is expected to discuss how her visit to Cambodia was a life-changing experience, awakening her to the plight of Third World countries. She adopted her eldest son, Maddox, from Cambodia and she and Brad Pitt established the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which is active in community development and conservation in the country.

She's barefoot, wearing her own clothes, less makeup and toting her own elegantly weathered monogrammed Alto bag. Yet Angelina Jolie looks radiant and completely in her element, reclining on a wooden boat in a verdant, lakeside landscape in Cambodia's Siem Reap province. Jolie discovered the country in 2000 when she filmed "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider," and it sparked her humanitarian activism.

She's the latest celebrity to pose for Louis Vuitton's popular "Core Values" campaign — and surely the only one who brought four children to the photo shoot, some of whom had to be shooed out of Annie Leibovitz's frame.

Core Values celebrates Vuitton's timeless classics in real situations on 'real' people - meaning celebrities rather than models - and runs alongside their seasonal 'fashion' campaigns.

The campaign is expected to run for at least 18 months and will also feature a video interview with Jolie filmed on location later in the month.


1 comment:

  1. Go angie. We love you and can't wait to see the little madman on the soccer field


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