
Sunday 3 July 2011


Today's song is calm and great for when your cooking Sunday lunch or having guests on a Sunday I'm sure we all know it its Besame Mucho! ... Ive always loved this song but even more so when  the Great Expectations staring Ethan Hawke and Gwenyth Paltrow came out ... there were so many versions of it in the film and if you have not seen it ... watch it ... fab movie....  so here are two of my favourite ....  FYI ... I was lucky enough to attend the New York Met Gala a few years ago when I lived in New York (dad's an American) and once you steps the steps to get in guests were greeted with a string quartet strumming this song... its was awesome....


Vocal ... which I think Don't quote me is the original...  listen to this its so beautiful ... at my wedding (NOT!) this will be the first dance... thats how much I love it... please enjoy...

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