
Sunday 24 July 2011

Today's song is ....

As a tribute to Amy Winehouse I thought I would make this song of the day... alot of her songs talk about her and her struggles I didn't want to talk about things like that because anyone who says they are perfect are a liar!!.... so I thought this song would be fitting the video says it all Amy I loved your music... I never judged you... I will be the first to hold my hand up and say Ive  had my struggles but I would never judge... I hope you are in a better place, the music you left us will last forever.... God bless and my thoughts are with your family .... Ive seen so many awful things said on twitter today that I came off because alot of the people who are  saying it are not perfect... not perfect like me and you, Ive been on the party scene for too many years so I know .... RIP

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