
Sunday, 3 April 2011

Sunday style in Soho......

So the nice weather is about and it's Sunday so I decided to meet a friend (Thomas) for a coffee and do some style spotting. Twenty minutes into my stroll I bumped into these fashionable guys and girls and I had to take a picture. Instantly what drew me was their style very 60s Mod but more because of their truly British heritage look. This look is inspired by the recent 'Brighton Rock' and 'Kings Speech' films where brands such as John Smedley were used the stylists, don't quote me but I'm sure there was pieces from Crombie aswell.

Check out my pictures and go see for yourself one Sunday at Bar Italia in Soho where they gather and ooze such class!

Check out my video footage!

1 comment:

  1. love this style! pictures are fab!


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