
Tuesday 5 April 2011


Last week whilst out and about doing press events I came across a new jeans brand called Kaya.  OK you may be saying right another jeans brand what's new? what's so different?

Well they are stylish and of very good quality, great fit and great washes.

OK! so now here's the difference.... each pair of jeans comes with a real diamond or diamonds depending on what pair you choose.  Where the normal studs are located here you will find diamonds or the button.  Yep I was blown away when I saw them and thought at first that they would be tres expensive but the prices are very competitive. 

The last two pictures show my favourite (winner) of the collection as I like where this diamond is located.  Some may say why? I think it's fab to have something different and unique to what else is out there and these would make a great talking point on a special night out....... I'm sold !!  just need to buy a bigger safe now!

Check out  Kaya jeans at , as I type this the website is under construction, so keep on checking in so you can check out these hot jeans.

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