Just wanted to say thank you once again to all visitors and followers of my blog with this updated version of where and how far it reaches.......
Japan, China, Israel, Dubai, Jamaica, Estonia, Malta, Latvia, Isle of Man, Burkina Faso, Cuba, Honduras, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Egypt, Chile, Poland, Sweden, Luxembourg,South Korea, Saudi Arabia, UK, USA, Canada, Nigeria, Serbia, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Peru, Austria, Turkey, France, Greece, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, United Arab Emirates, Malta, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Spain, Malaysia, Philippines, Bahrain, Italy, Montenegro, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, Kenya, Slovenia, Singapore, Hungary, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Cyprus, Lithuania, Slovakia, Mauritius, India, Kuwait, Pakistan, Switzerland, Maldives, Thailand, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Jordan, Macedonia, Georgia, Argentina, Ukraine, Ecuador, Qatar, Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mongolia, Norway, Algeria, Guernsey, Colombia, Tunisia, Honduras, Cayman Islands, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, Costa Rica, Jersey, Cambodia, Jordan, Senegal, Morocco, Moldova, Norway, Bermuda, Armenia, Gibraltar, Iceland, Bolivia, Oman, Guadeloupe, Palestine Territories, Albania, Angola, Brunei, Estonia, El Salvador, Macau, Belarus, Panama, Tunisia and Hong Kong. These are to name a few.
So I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU!
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