
Sunday 20 March 2011


Last week I was invited along to the Louis Vuitton Maison to celebrate the launch of Double exposure, an innovative digital film project that encapsulates one of the world's oldest and most authentic image making techniques with contemporary on-line distribution.

In the first series of 'Double exposure', Sam Taylor-Wood shares an intimate and diverse collection of belongings, including an inspirational book by pop artist Andy Warhol, a postcard image from Francis Bacon that connects Sam with her home in London's Primrose Hill, and a cheeky memento from her directorial feature film debut-'Nowhere Boy'.

Inspired by Louis Vuitton's belief in embracing the contemporary and avant-garde, whilst respecting and supporting  authentic craftsmanship, the project invites cultural innovators and creative leaders: artists, filmmakers, and performers to sit for an individual porttrait using the 19th century collodion wet plate photographic process.

Louis Vuitton Double Exposure with Sam Taylor-Wood - The Film

Check out the film and Louis Vuitton on Facebook for more info

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