
Friday, 18 March 2011


Earlier this week I was invited along to meet the fabulous guys and girls of suit company A Suit That Fits.  We arrive to breakfast and once we finish Mighel Crittin ( Product Development Manager) talks us through the collection and talks to us about design and where the company is heading.  Once we finish our talk all invited guests have the chance to design a suit which will be entered into the A suits That Fits  Design Competition details to follow.

 My suit......................

The suit I designed is equestrian themed  suit (riding habit) with a twist.

The suit is in black fine mohair fabric with the lapels having a purple trim on the lapels and single vent
at the back.  The trousers are tapered with a drop crotch and the diagonal piece you see across the front is my vision of a modern day cummerbund which is actually to the trousers.  Its something you would wear at night dressed up or down.......  I tried! 

Ok if your thinking you can do better here are the details for you to enter the A suit That fits design competition....

A Suit That Fits is looking for Britain’s most dapper designers! Are you a budding designer or a stylish suit lover? If so, the team at A Suit That Fits would like to invite you to show your creative side by entering our design competition.

A Suit That Fits offers suit lovers individually hand-tailored garments to fit their frame, personal style and budget and are giving three lucky winners the chance to see their designs come to life! The winning designs will be available for purchase, exclusively on the A Suit That Fits website; additionally, each designer will also receive a percentage of the profits, for each of their winning creations sold.*

The Competition

The competition will consist of two rounds: during the first round, the designs will be  shortlisted by a panel of experts including: Rick Edwards – Channel 4 and T4 presenter, Leon Bailey-Green - Director of the Online Fashion Agency, Alan Cannon-Jones from The London College of Fashion and Mighel Critten – Product Development Manager at A Suit That Fits.

The ten shortlisted designs will be voted for by our stylish customers and the British public.  The three talented winners will see their design come to life and have it individually hand tailored exclusively for them.

How to Enter

To enter the competition, please email sketches to: in a PDF or JPEG format (Quoting Design Competition in the subject), or upload them to, alternatively sketches can be sent to: Design Competition, The Biscuit Factory, J411/12, 100 Clements Road, Bermondsey, London, SE16 4DG.

The Brief

Entrants must submit a design for one of the following: work, wedding or a function. The design must be wearable and should be an entire outfit (minimum of a 2-piece suit and shirt); the designs must incorporate A Suit That Fits’ fabrics (listing of these can be found at ( and be for Autumn/Winter 2011. This is of course the minimum; we would love to see some 3-piece suits, overcoats and shirts!

A Suit That Fits is proud of the individuality of every garment produced and is looking for fresh and original ideas; designs should be unique and express your personality so should be as creative as possible. Designs should be innovative from the smallest detail on the cuffs and collar to the entire cut of the suit. Designs must encompass our company values of ‘serious yet playful’.

Ok so the last day of for your entries is the 31st March 2011, so get sketching...... or

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